Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, september 2016
1.9.2016 | 17:26
maybe baby....
Sitting here thinking, shit ! it has been nine years since we moved to denmark! Time does fly.. regardless of you having fun ore not..
Make no mistake, we have had our share of fun, but surely our times of tough as well. But hey, who said life is easy?? At least we have not been hit with big tragedies so that i am really thankful for. Everthing else is just every day life bullshit that probably every person has tried at least once in their lifetime. If you havent, you must be living in a snowhouse and dont have to pay bills.. and just go hunting for food, and watch your own children ore just dont have any.. the list goes on
Well anyways..
Havent had any regrets about moving to denmark, ok.. maybe i did in the first couple of years because belive me.. it was NOT easy getting settled down.. and learning the language, oboy that was the hardest thing ever.. and i still have a couple of issues with this beautiful language...
i mean really.. why use a bunch of letters in a word and they are not pronounced at all! And travelling across the country and all of a sudden you dont understand shit... But hey, i made it this far and i do think its great to speak 3 languages and i think its soon time to start learning one more
would love to learn spanish.. ore italien.. lets see what happens, maybe i'll move there one day. I do like the warm weather a bit more then rain and wind, but just a bit.
Went to a sommerhouse this sommer. To the vest cost of jytland. Very relaxing and some great family time even though i missed my two oldest kids. There is something that happens in my head when i go to a sommerhouse, ( wich is a rare thing,normally my head is quiet as a graveyard.. ) i get really in the "mood" of being on vacation, and suddenly i have the things under control, start making pancakes for breakfast and shit, play board games every evening, go for walks and eat a big portion of unhealthy food on daily bases.. heya heya and yes, somebody comes home with a nice belly and a better ass
but who cares, its sommer and thats allowed. The only negative thing about this years sommerhouse was that i found out that i am not a big fan of the vest coast.. WHY?? some might ask.. well, see it is very close to the see, wich is very pretty and nice.. BUT, it is vindy as hell and if there is something i dislike in weather, its WIND! I dont mind rain,snow and what the f not.. but WIND just ruins every weather. so i will not be getting next years sommerhouse in the vest. But, now i have tried it and it was worth it. for one time only..
My youngest is really having a hard time about us not going abroad for vacation.. cause ALL her friends go to spain, ALL her friends have been to ten countries, ALL her friends are princesses from the country of allmyfriendsistan and we are just hillbillies from the country of ice and fire. She can be a ungreatful little brat
so we take her on the mental trip of "the introduction to the real world,ala Maria the mother" and then she quickly zips the lips and runs along to play with her iphone 5... wich ALL her friends also have
poor child, living this life.. no she's a great girl ofcourse, as all my kids are! Couldnt be luckier with those four offsprings of mine, but then again, how else could it be .. with those genes of mine
( and maybe Neville's too..a little)
At this moment in time i am out of a job.. as my stupid back would not take no for an answer and i have to find a different path in my job life. Will be starting some form of test drive probably in september and i am looking forward to be put to work. Cant have this brilliant brain of mine going to waste.. i can almost hear brain celles dying one by one and i didnt have SO many to begin with.
Amazingly hubby lost his job soon after i stopped mine.. i mean talk about the odds of winning the lottery! i buy lotto always now, the odds have to be in my favour so the two of us lovebirds are having all the time in the world just to be in love and riding on the pink skies
i do hope that one of us gets to work before we fall down from the pink sky though.. theres only so long you can live of love aiy..
But were in good spirit, of course there are days where i refuse to participate in any activities other then feeding myself, coffee drinking and toilet visits ( bathing not included) but who doesnt have those days as long as it doesnt last the week.
Well what a long ass article this has become! Maby because you dont do alot of talking so writing is the next best.
Hope you are all well and having the time of your life, smile while you still got teeth
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