Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, nóvember 2016
5.11.2016 | 09:48
i´m puzzled...........
Sometimes i wonder what kind of world this is coming too.. Not that it just started now but it seem´s to be in my face alot these days. Maybe the recent election in Iceland was the drop that was needed. It actually made me want to vomit The party that is known to make the rich richer and does not give a flying F about the people who suffer just got a great outcome..again.. after it´s been related to korruption and the panama papers it´s all good.. what the fuck????? I thought of stockholm syndrome.. ore the 30% of the people in iceland are just doing great and that´s just awesome, lets keep that goverment going so we can just keep getting richer
And the first good news after election is that the congress get´s a 40 % raise !! iha ! while teachers, nurses, playschool teachers, the pensionists and the old and sick can get 7% this year . Hallefuckingluja. I´m sick to my stomach.
And this is not just an icelandic phenomenon. Sadly. I just cant comprehend the fact that there are people who are co´s in companies really need to make millions a month, so much money that they have no idea what do do with it?? And then the people who take care of the sick, the children and elderly are paid from your back pocket and barely can make ends meet. What the fuck is wrong in this world?? And we cant take propper care of the old people!! It´s a descrace, these people cleared the path for generations to come and worked there asses off in their time. We should be ashamed, very ashamed. And i think i have come to the conclusion that the root of all this is simple.. GREED We could all live a good life if we would share the wealth of our countries but sadly that is never gonna happen.
Just the things on my mind.. sorry about the cursing, just dont feel like trying to be something i´m not. I curse. Alot. End of story. Have a good weekend, i´m gonna gou out and buy me a Porche
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