13.10.2016 | 07:09
old and older....
My shrink thinks i say fuck alot... i just cant help it, the passion of the negative statements are not the same without the fuck in there somewhere. I tend to use the danish frase "lort" alot too.. and put the two words together you really have made a statement.
" Maria how are you doing today? "
" det hele er bare noget fucking lort lige nu "
See, thats very accurate sometimes. Not all the times its lort.. sometimes its absolutely fine and then i curse less.. i think..
Always cursed alot, also in icelandic back when. I know.. its a bad habit and i dont seem to learn with age.. some might think that with age you get a little more "polished" , i did think so.. but now i have given up. I can see myself in the retirement home cursing right and left
boy are they gonna be in for a treat...
But i guess you have to accept who you are and i´ve come to accept that i will never be a lady and either you love me ore hate me, you cant please everyone.
Today im good, no "lort" hanging around.. apart from the dog who seems to have developed a new smell in its farting .. its an old dog, 13 and a half years.. and boy oh boy.. her farts smell like there also 13 and a half she can clear a room in seconds. Still love her to death though, farts ore not. Been my mate for over 12 years now and i cant think of her not being here
she is the best dog in the world ( apart from barking her ass of at every dog we meet on our walks).. but i can see she´s getting old.. a little gray here and there and then she snores alot.. so now i have snoring in surround in my home... so happens i have another snoring going on upstairs..
say no more..
But, love them all, snoring,farting ore what not or like my grandmother use to say : " its no sin when the body breaks wind"
and with that i am gonna run along and do something productive...
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I fuckung lort love you!!
Fucking gamle (IP-tala skráð) 13.10.2016 kl. 07:14
ert thette thú Arna min ?
eda hvad...?
María Guðmundsdóttir, 13.10.2016 kl. 16:20
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.